You might be wondering how it’s even possible for a bratty dog to be even brattier. Well, it’s possible. Believe it or not, Chili is quite predictable and for the most part well trained. Stop laughing. I’m serious. She may be crazy, but she’s predictably crazy and that’s how I get the upper hand. I usually know her moves, before she makes them. I can hear the meatballs rolling around in her head and formulating a half-cooked plan. She can’t get much past me. Even when she goes into Bratty-Bossy Chili week, it just means I have to pay attention that much more.
So what makes a bratty dog brattier? It goes something like this:
- Loss of ALL commands and a whole lot of avoidance. (She knows them all but somehow forgets them, and she’s a master at ignoring you.)
- Every sound and every movement requires barking. (This is just plain annoying. I mean really, do you have to bark at the hummingbirds.)
- It’s impossible for her to walk beside or behind us. She MUST be in front and she must ensure there is tension on the leash. (She usually walks great on leash, at my left.)
- She barges past everyone to make it through a door or gate first. It’s like a dance, block with your left, block with your right.... (She almost always waits. I don’t even have to say anything.)
- Going out for a pee or poo takes FOREVER. There something in the bushes or something was in the yard, or there’s something down the street, or hold on I need to just find something to bark at. Squat, change her mind, squat, change her mind. The problem here is, if I take her inside before she’s ready, I have to bring her right back out an hour later. It’s better to suffer through it until she’s done. (She’s never quick when she goes out to the bathroom, so this just makes it worse)
- Worst of all, she’s on high alert, which takes all the fun out of walks. (She’s been doing so well on the Halti, but during this week, I have to actually cover her eyes when we walk by another dog)
The poor girls at daycare. They have to deal with her all day while we’re at work. At least we get her back tired. When I was waiting to pick her up the other day I heard the door open, then I heard a bit of a commotion. I shook my head, I knew what was going on. Then Chili bound around the corner and Angie comes behind her telling me her and Chili are not friends today. I laughed. She said Chili was bratty all day. I wasn’t worried though, they know how to handle her, even on her bossy days. Not to say it’s easy, like I said, Chili is dedicated to her cause.
So why don’t these bossy days really work for Chili? Easy. The people who manage her every day aren’t afraid of her. She’s too much of a squishy goo-ball when it comes to people. She just can’t help herself. She loves people. She might be bratty-bossy, but it’s just a phase. As long as you can be more patient, you’ve got her. She’ll push and push, but there’s nothing behind it, it’s just tiring for everyone around her.
Then one morning, she’s back to normal, bratty Chili who’s full of tricks and smiles. From that point, it’s over for a little while, at least until the phase hits again. I don’t know what triggers it. We haven’t nailed down anything in particular. It’s just something she does. Chili being Chili. A bratty dog being brattier. It’s all a part of life with Chili.
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